Are COVID-19 Vaccines Safe For Children?
Today, we’ve already moved a step ahead of COVID-19. Now that the COVID-19 vaccines are here, and almost all of American adult population is inoculated, reaching herd immunity is close. After Pfizer got FDA approval for children above 12 a couple of weeks ago, the same issues lay upon Moderna. As they intend to spread it wider, it’s absolutely necessary for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to be safe for children.
On Tuesday the company announced results proving it’s highly effective in teens aged 12–17. Being the second COVID-19 vaccine for that, has the impact of increasing the supply and choices younger people make. Both options are messenger RNA (mRNa) vaccines, so they contain the genetic code (mRNA) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. When entering human bodies, they teach our cells how to recognize it, and produce antibodies, in order to protect us.
While being a double-dose vaccine, Moderna’s shots need a 4-week period in between. In March they launched the Phase ⅔ trial, with about 3,700 volunteers. It’s really amazing half of them received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and the others received a placebo. 4 of the placebo participants got COVID-19 2 weeks after the second dose, but from the rest there was 0. Naturally, this leads to the conclusion we have a100 % efficiency. So, it’s absolutely safe for oue children.
Regarding mild COVID-19 cases the numbers go up to 93% after getting the first jab concerning any infection. Mild to moderate side effects are headache, fatigue, muscle aches and chills, expressed after the second dose.
Despite waiting CDC approval in June, the government is currently investigating cases of heart inflammation in young adults. In detail, it includes children, received both shots of either of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. In a 17 May meeting scientists presented reports of myocarditis to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). As it appears, the condition is found in more man, than women within 4 days after the second dose. It’s an inflammation that affects the heart muscle’s electrical system and reduces the ability to pump.
There were several cases of myocarditis, linked with the MIS-C, also post COVID-19. However, it’s possible the few cases reported by the vaccine safety group may not be related to the vaccine at all. The doctors observe fever, fainting, breathing difficulties, rapid breathing and rapid or abnormal heart rhythms. In fact, a whole host of viruses could cause such a problem, but it’s a rare condition among children. Last year, during the spring and summer seasons, pediatricians saw a slight decrease in the condition, due to the safety measures. Though this is a rather disturbing discovery, it’s unlikely CDC will pause mRNA vaccination over it, as with Jonhson.
Meanwhile, the CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Richard Besser spoke about the condition in a NBC News interview. Definitely, the problem raises the red flag for emergencies, but it’s a living proof that the system works effectively. There is an Independent Adviser Committee that is monitoring safety data every week. Rare or not, these conditions are not unexpected, and come as a normal part of the investigation. They’re still gathering information and we still don’t know if there is a correlation or causation. There are safety signals to pop up in the authorization of almost all new medicines the market brings in.
Concerns about COVID-19 vaccines surrounded us all the way through our path. Last week, more than 600,000 American adolescents received their jabs, in order to keep them protected from the mighty coronavirus. But again, is it worth the risk to put your teen under such pressure? You know what they say — the benefits overweigh the risks. Yet, finally the choice and responsibility that goes hand in hand with it is all in the prarrents. We just keep on wondeirng — are COVID-19 vaccines safe for children?
MVS Pharma GmbH is an innovative pharmaceutical start-up company, which researches in the area of reducing viruses and bacteria with plant based aerosols and Covid 19 aerosol protection. Their special formula ensures the purity and the stability of the used ingredients during storage.
Liliya Ganeva is an article writer, who explores all the actual, up-to-date COVID-19 information, and the possibilities for producing aerosols made out of plants against respiratory viruses and bacteria.