Deadly Indian Variant Hits Back In UK
Since a couple of weeks, it seems everything’s settling down and COVID-19 will never return. Governments slowly low the guard and ease the measures. No more restrictions, limits and concerns! Well, at least that’s what some of us think or secretly hope for. However, it turns out our case isn’t exactly like this. As the deadly Indian variant hits back In UK, people get confused. We begin trying to figure out whether to take off masks and neglect social distance. So, what’s the story behind the B. 1. 617, also known as the Indian variant?
In conclusion, we can assume it’s another COVID-19 variant to talk about. People first mentioned it in Maharashtra, India on 5 October 2020. This COVID-19 strain is about to become dominant in the UK in a few days. Briefly, it has 3 sub-lineages, each with totally different mutations. WHO defined it as a variant of concern on 11th May, UK labeled B.617.2 on 6 May. Despite consecutive numbers, B.1.617.3 was spotted in October. B.1.617.1 and B.1.617.2 emerged later in December. By transmissibility it’s close to B.1.1.7 and scientists refer to it as a double mutant. The name goes after its nature of gene encoding. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein it contains presents 2 mutations altogether causing the substitutions E484Q and L452R.
Counting shows a double increase since the time Indian variant was identified as a variant of concern from 520 to 1,313. On Monday, Matt Hancock stated 483 cases were in Bolton, Sefton and Blackburn and all age groups had it. While B.617.2 is 50 % more transmissible than the Kent variant, it’s not unexpected we observe 50 cases of it in Wales. First Minister, Mr. Drakeford confirmed B.1.617.2 attacks mostly urban centres like Newport, Cardiff and Swansea. To stop the spread, the UK government initiates a surge testing and vaccination in the affected areas. The existing vaccines are effective enough, but still authorities suggest a turbo-boost. Ease of restrictions is doubtful, because it’s unpredictable if B.1.617.2 will meet the 21 June target.
Sharing common concerns, Downing Street called a press conference on Friday 14 May. It then expanded measures for people over 50 and the clinically vulnerable to 8 weeks after the first dose, up from 12. People over 40 are also prioritised for a first dose. Officials sent a rapid response team of 100 nurses, public health advisers and environmental health officers. Johnson said the army will be set on the streets of Blackburn and Bolton, equipped with COVID-19 tests. Due to the emergency, the vaccination centres will also work with extended hours. However, finite supply of doses makes it hard to pursue a local surge vaccination.
On the contrary, the mobile team offered help to more than 22,000 residents already. With triggering a stronger immune response, the government will certainly curb rising infections. UK prevented itself from future variants, in a deal with biopharmaceutical company CureVac. It pre-ordered 50 million doses of currently developed COVID-19 vaccines.
For India, the situation escalates and gets worse. They intensively experience 2 COVID-19 wave and red light is signaling out of control. The deadly Indian variant hits back in the UK, more fierce and threatening to rule over the country. Some suggestions speculate this could be now turning into an even bigger global crisis. Whether true or false, only time will tell. Gradually, we spent too much on believing fake news that never happened.
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Liliya Ganeva is an article writer, who explores all the actual, up-to-date COVID-19 information, and the possibilities for producing aerosols made out of plants against respiratory viruses and bacteria.